Little Star
Daemon Records
There’s something about Girlyman’s style of acoustic country-folk that ought to annoy the heck out of me, but instead I find myself listening over and over to their melancholy songs about lost love and found romance. This is the second effort by this out-and-about Georgia trio, showing similar style and production values, but with songs a bit more thoughtful and a bit more complex. Occasionally, they sound a bit gospel (“I Wonder Where You’ve Gone”), sometimes a bit Dylan (“Commander”), but mostly they stick to their strengths: melodic melancholy love songs like “Genevieve” or “Young James Dean.” There seems to be some travel in their recent past, as they sing a few songs about Down East Maine, but they could be centered anywhere. Overall, Girlyman is one of the most listenable folksy bands I’ve ever heard. Maybe I’m older, and maybe I’ve outgrown punk and metal, but this isn’t a bad place to end up.
Daemon Records: