Truth to Power

A Prediction.

It’s finally election day.

That alone is good news. That means no more robocalls. No more traitor radio spewing lies and hatred- at least about the election, anyway. Hopefully, no more George Allen, or Katherine Harris, or Rick Frothy White Stuff.

The democrats look poised to take back the House, which means finally, after 6 years of Rubber Stamp Republicans blocking all oversight of the war, the president, 9/11 et al, we have a chance at holding these people and their policies accountable.

The policies that gave us 2 optional wars that have increased the risk of terrorism, gutted our longterm economic health, and made the US even more hated than we were before.

The policies that setup Katrina as a petri dish for experiments in social engineering- which worked abundantly well.

The policies that have allowed hypocritical homophobes and bigots to dictate the national discourse on who can marry. Or vote.

The policies that have kept American citizens detained without legal consul simply because our “president” says they are “enemy combatants”- a phrase that has no legal meaning.

The policies that allows the United States to now be known for torture, rendition, child rape as an interrogation technique, while we lie about it, mistakenly thinking the entire world only watches Fox News.

My prediction? That with the house in Democratic control, the wheels are going to completely come off the bus. Already the rats who helped build this ship of deceit are fleeing, indictments are numerous and more to come. The Foley report will be released, for one.

George Bush’s next two years are going to be a withering embarrassment. His party is going to work to hang it all on him and Cheney in an attempt to salvage any shread of respectibility the GOP brand might still have. I bet you money that right now, key GOP senators are working out a plan to impeach the pair, and with Hasert gone, allow soon to be Speaker Pelosi to be President for what, a year? And then, they dump it all on her and the Democratic party, willingly conciding the presidental election in 2008, which frankly, nobody in their right mind will want to win, because:

We have to exit Iraq. And we have to do it with no hope of “winning”, whatever that means.

We have to attempt to restore fiscal security. The tax cuts and welfare to the rich have combined to create the largest swing, economically, that the US has ever seen. The rest of the world holds our paper. This is unacceptable.

Whoever governs from this point forward has a mighty task to face. Sadly, it is up to the Democratic Party to do it, and well, only in comparison to the odious Reich Wing do they appear to be the better party. We will grit our teeth and vote “D” today, but we’re going to run you out of office too, because you’ve shown exactly ZERO interest in reversing the course of the United States away from being a terrorist state. You voted for the wars. The Patriot Act. The Military Commisions act. And dozens more horrific abuses of the American system. So we’re gonna get rid of you, too.

But first? Run the bastards out of town on a rail. In bright orange jumpsuits. Because no matter how inept, stupid and entrenched to lobbyists the Democrats might be, they will never be as destructive and evil as the GOP.

The next few months are going to see a flurry of rats squealing. We are going to learn just how awful things really are. We are going to learn that contrary to Fox and Tony Snow, Iraq is a failed state. Afghanistan is worse off than before we invaded. This supposed “GWOT” is simply a marketing strategy, and a failed one at that.

A new day is dawning. And its gonna rain, rain for a long fucking time. We deserve it.

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