For the GOP, it’s rule by racism
I’ve been to Virginia, nice place, pretty. Too bad the voters there send subhuman pieces of crap like this asshat to congress:
In Letter, GOP Rep Fears Influx of Muslims
In a letter sent out to select supporters earlier this month reacting to the controversy (among certain extreme conservatives, at least) over Muslim representative-elect Keith Ellison’s (D-MN) decision to be sworn in on the Koran, Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) sent a short letter to supporters warning that the U.S. must close its borders to guard against the influx of still more Muslims. In it, he also proudly recounts his retort to a Muslim student who asked him why he did not include the Koran with The Ten Commandments on his wall. “As long as I have the honor of representing the citizens of the 5th District of Virginia in the United States House of Representatives, The Koran is not going to be on the wall of my office,” he says he told the student.
And of course, since wingnuts such as this theocratic embarrassment can’t take responsibility for ANYTHING, he goes on to blame Bill Clinton for the “problem”. I guess he lived in a different country for the last six years. In the real world, the GOP has controlled every branch of government during that time, and could have, if they so desired, done any number of things, re: immigration. But no, they would rather sow racism and lies to hold onto power than grow up and admit reality.
How’d that work out for you as a national party postition, anyway?