We elected you to stop him
The elections of November 7th almost seem a dim memory now, which is somewhat to be expected, since the new Congress doesn’t assume power until next year. And when they do, first order of business?
King George, in a rare admission of fact, stated yesterday for the first time what everyone else in the world has seen for years now- that the US isn’t winning in Iraq. His solution, which he won’t “announce” until next year, is most likely to increase the number of troops on the ground in Iraq- a move that the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff- you know, military people- have opposed. He stated his intention to increase the size of the armed forces, although of course he had no details as to how such a feat of magic would be done. The military has been hard put to make quotas as it is- where exactly does Bush think these new troops are going to come from, Wal-Mart?
The United States already spends more than the rest of the world combined on “defense”. In quotes, since we don’t defend anything other than American business interests by putting troops in over 100 nations around the globe. So what, exactly, will more troops accomplish? Only more targets for anti-US passions, in the end.
The democrats that were elected were voted into office by a nation weary of war, tired of corruption stealing money from our troops, tired of the lies. To increase our presence in Iraq is madness. The generals don’t want it, the troops don’t want it- they all want to come home. By using the power of the purse, the new democratic congress can do just that- if they refuse to play the “weak on national security” game, and do what is morally right and fiscally sound.
King George must be stopped. Call him willfully stupid, or consumed by hubris, whatever. Let the historians sort that out. But he is a menace to health of our nation. Too many people have assumed the role of the fat happy frog in the pot, as reality has increased the heat around them. Things are very, very wrong now- but we’ve only seen a faint glimpse of what could come.
Ponder the next two years if the bottom drops out of the real estate market, the dollar tanks world-wide, and the only way we can increase troop levels is by force- a draft.
He must be stopped. We elected you to do so. Do it.