Truth to Power

When Morons Meddle

Scientist Fights Church Effort to Hide Museum’s Pre-Human Fossils

Famed paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey is giving no quarter to powerful evangelical church leaders who are pressing Kenya’s national museum to relegate to a back room its world-famous collection of hominid fossils showing the evolution of humans’ early ancestors.

Leakey called the churches’ plans “the most outrageous comments I have ever heard.”

Leaders of Kenya’s Pentecostal congregation, with six million adherents, want the human fossils de-emphasized.

“The Christian community here is very uncomfortable that Leakey and his group want their theories presented as fact,” said Bishop Bonifes Adoyo, head of the largest Pentecostal church in Kenya, the Christ is the Answer Ministries.</i>

Because it IS a fact, in so much as anything on this planet can be. Thousands of studies have made it so. Your “proof”? A book of mythology that cannot be proven in any manner whatsoever.

Yeah. You’re uncomfortable…with truth.

According to this site, Kenya is responsible for 5% of the worlds total cases of AIDS. If there are truly 6 million Pentacostal evangelicals in Kenya, then perhaps they can focus their energy and attention on actually HELPING PEOPLE instead of befouling the planet with more lies and irrationality.

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