Truth to Power

Michael Savage, crybaby

Savage to Media Matters: Stop stalking me!

On March 5, Media Matters for America received the following email from radio host Michael Savage:

From: **

Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 5:55 PM

To: ***

Cc: **@*.com

Subject: Re: Savage continued attacks on Etheridge & Hollywood

If you ever harass me again I will have you prosecuted under California’s anti-stalking legislation. This indicates malice and intent to harm on the part of media matters.

The email was sent in response to a Media Matters email forwarding an item posted earlier that day. Michael Savage’s email address is available on Bacon’ to anyone with an account. </em>

Boo hoo hoo, somebody quoted me accurately to people who don’t have cowpies for brains, and it made me look stupid. And then…and then mommy, they posted my email address so more bad people can laugh at me too! Mommy!

Yet another GOP coward. And this ape has the third most listened to radio show in America. I’m starting to understand why Joe B. moved to Belize.

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