Truth to Power

Suppression of free speech, King George style…

It is important to have your volunteers at a checkpoint before the Magnetometers in order to stop a demonstrator from getting into the event. Look for signs that they may be carrying, and if need be, have volunteers check for folded cloth signs that demonstrators may be bringing to the event.

Can’t have the rabble expressing their feelings about Fearless Leader, oh no.

If the demonstrators are yelling, rally squads can begin and lead supportive chants to drown out the protestors (USA!,USA!,USA!). As a last resort, security should remove the demonstrators form the event site. The rally squads can include, but are not limited to, college/young republican organizations, local athletic teams, and fraternities/sororities.

Or “Good Little Germans” as they are known…

Once a group of demonstrators has been identified, the Advance person must decide what action to take. If it is determined that the media will not see or hear them and that the pose no potential disruption to the event, they can be ignored.

My, isn’t that a nice outfit on our Emperor today?

It the demonstrators appear to be a security threat, notify the Secret Service immediately. If demonstrators appear likely to cause only a political disruption, it is the Advance person’s responsibility to take appropriate action. Rally squads should be dispatched to surround and drown out demonstrators immediately.

There ya have it. Freedom of speech under a tyrant.

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