Music Reviews
Thomas Jefferson’s Aeroplane

Thomas Jefferson’s Aeroplane

The Invisible Ocean


Thomas Jefferson’s Aeroplane is a collaboration between songwriters Bill Deasy and Rich Jacques, and despite the rather throwaway name, the result is an album of real depth and substance.

Deasy and Jacques share a mutual history as frontmen for Pittsburgh bands Gathering Field and Brownie Mary respectively, and a reunion in LA, where Jacques now lives, led to the duo writing together for the first time. The Invisible Ocean is the fruits of their labor.

The brooding opener “Tonight” marks a departure from the music the pair usually write for their solo careers, as does the hypnotic electronica of “Sunshine,” but both songs contain enough trademark melody for the change to be a welcome one. Jacques takes over vocals on the confessional “Know That I Would” which documents his move west from Pittsburgh, while “You’re Not Alone” is classic Deasy, with a haunting melody and stirring lyrics.

The folksy “Traveling Songs” and the superb “Harder Than It Needs To Be” mix things up again musically, and the album ends with epic ballad “Wish There Was A Way” and the delicate acoustics of “Over There”.

However, the standout track of the whole collection is the heartfelt anthem “It’s Okay,” which demonstrates just why Thomas Jefferson’s Aeroplane deserves to be considered as much more than just an experimental side project.

Thomas Jefferson’s Aeroplane:

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