Truth to Power

Way to go Jackson…

Jackson Browne sues John McCain over song use

Jackson Browne is suing John McCain for using the song “Running on Empty” in a campaign ad – and the veteran rocker is also calling the candidate a great pretender when it comes to standing up for constitutional rights.

Browne, one of rock music’s most famous activists for liberal causes, is “incensed” that the presumptive Republican candidate for president has been using Browne’s signature 1977 song “Running on Empty” in campaign commercials, according to the singer-songwriter’s attorney. Browne filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against both McCain and the Republican National Committee on Thursday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles seeking a permanent injunction prohibiting the use of the forlorn arena anthem or any other Browne compositions, as well as damages.</em>

Granted, I hate the song because it brings back horrid high school memories of MGD and ralphing in someones backyard, but hey, that doesn’t mean I want to hear it in a McCain ad. Get ‘em, Jackson.

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