Truth to Power

Why you should vote

Lots of reasons, of course, but if you need just one more, its so that bottom-feeding morons like this ahole no longer have a voice in our discourse.

On the sad news of the death of Obama’s grandmother, one of the keyboard commandos at showed the pathetic state of the Republican mind:

She is reported as having died of cancer.

People rarely die from cancer, because the suffering is far too great to go until the end.

They almost always die from assisted suicide/terminal sedation. Dehydration or lethal injection.

I have no doubt this is the actual cause of death.

This may very well be the first politically timed terminal sedation ever.</em>

My grandmother died of cancer you sack of pus. I can’t quite imagine walking around with a head full of such nonsensical hate and fear. I certainly hope when this bit of pond scum dies, someone decides to make political hay off of his passing.

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