Locking the door to the state
On March 7, 2009, during a city council meeting in Duncanville, Texas, Councilman Paul Ford stood up to protest the city’s new red light cameras. He wanted to amend the city code to allow a jury trial for motorists who contested tickets issued by the cameras, and had previously clashed with the mayor, David Green, over the issue. Instead of allowing Ford to have his say, Mayor Green turned off the audio on the chamber’s video recorder and ordered the police chief to remove the councilmember. Ford was dragged from the room and had to be treated for injuries sustained in the arrest.
…The lesson learned from these four incidences is that anyone who is not dependent on the state, or who teaches independence to others, is a threat to the state’s growing monopoly over our daily lives. Moreover, as we have seen with the raid on the FLDS, government officials will not hesitate to lie if it furthers their agenda. Anonymous calls are used to justify invading the privacy of citizens, and layers upon layers of regulations control dissent. Even city council members are subject to arrest if they speak out against something as simple as tickets issued by red light cameras without the option of a jury trial.
If unchecked, an activist state will impose itself on every area of our lives. While bureaucrats already, to some extent, tell us who we can marry and what we can do to our own property, now they want to tell us where we can pray and when we can protest. Like a thief in the night, once they gain entrance to your home, they help themselves to all inside. We must lock the door and throw away the key before it is too late. </em>