72% of GOP voters are utter morons
Palin’s resignation has ‘boosted her a bit among Republicans.’
A new USA Today/Gallup poll has found that “Sarah Palin’s bombshell that she is resigning as Alaska governor actually has boosted her a bit among Republicans.” According to the poll, “two-thirds of Republicans want Palin…to be ‘a major national political figure’ in the future” while three-quarters of Democrats “hope she won’t be.” Seventy-two percent of Republicans surveyed said they are “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to vote for her if she runs for president:
That’s rather frightening. The woman is bone stupid. She can’t- and won’t- govern. Her brief tenure as an elected official has been one ethics charge after another. And yet a vast majority of GOP voters would vote for her for president.
Which makes them, although its hard to fathom such a thing, stupider than she.