No bail for Hal Turner
Good, one freak off the streets and airwaves:
No bail for Web show host who said judges deserve to die
Calling Hal Turner “a danger to the community,” a federal judge in Chicago has denied bail to the Web talk show host who has been charged with threatening three U.S. appellate court judges.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Martin Ashman, who sits in the Northern District of Illinois, issued the statement after a hearing in Chicago on Monday. Turner has been in custody in Chicago since he was moved there from New Jersey, where he was arrested by the FBI on June 24 for writing that three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit should be killed for upholding a Chicago ban on handguns. </em>
Now if we can just get Glen “Poison Pelosi” Beck and Bill “Kill Tiller for me” O’Riley along side Turner, we’ll be making progress.