Tag: confusion


Screen Reviews

Matt Cibula digs into the new DVD of the celebrated film Memento, in which nothing is what it seems. Plus a guy gets a lot of gnarly tattoos.

I Quit My Job Today

Cat Dissections

As Precipitate8 leaves the working world behind, he finds himself oddlly melancholy over leaving co-workers he thought he didn’t care about at all.

Orlando (Part Two)

Cat Dissections

Precipitate8 continues his seedy tour of Orlando’s clubs and nightspots, and has his definitive Dr. Benway moment, when the tale of the Boobytrapped Asshole is recounted.


Music Reviews

Euphoria, Confusion, Anger and Remorse (Epitaph). Review by Jeremy Wernow

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Screen Reviews

Both bold experiment and colossal failure in the 1960s, Esperanto language art house horror film Incubus returns with pre-_Star Trek_ William Shatner to claim a perhaps more serious audience.

Garage Sale Vinyl: Loretta Lynn

Garage Sale Vinyl: Loretta Lynn

Garage Sale Vinyl

In this latest installment of his weekly series, Christopher Long is betrayed by his longtime GF when she swipes his copy of Loretta Lynn’s Greatest Hits Vol. II right out from under his nose while rummaging through a south Florida junk store.