Tag: Precipitate8


Cat Dissections

Precipitate8 finds out that the process of leaving is more protracted and mundane than he thought. and that profound discovery can come from graffiti.


Cat Dissections

Things are not well in Cat Dissections land. Perhaps a change in scenery will curb the self-destruction?


Cat Dissections

There’s no such thing as a quiet night in on Cat Dissections time. As Iggy Pop would say, Time To Go Nightclubbing. But are we what’s happening?

Do You Enjoy This?

Cat Dissections

Epileptic seizures and impending age… the old one-two punch takes Precipitate8 down for the count. Happy Birthday!

I Quit My Job Today

Cat Dissections

As Precipitate8 leaves the working world behind, he finds himself oddlly melancholy over leaving co-workers he thought he didn’t care about at all.

The return of Telekinesis girl

Cat Dissections

A face from the past, complete with all of the echoes and dangers that come with certain types of people. Plus, a guide to customers, strangers, and friends.


Cat Dissections

Precipitate8 sweeps back into Gainesville on a wave of degradation and bad vibes. Too much hurt. Time to get a real job. Time to hide.

Gainesville (I-V)

Cat Dissections

Gainesville boredom plunges Precipitate8 into vampire delusions, epileptic seizures and various chemical escapades.

Don’t go to sleep…

Cat Dissections

Precipitate8 is tormented by dreams of Taco Bell cannibalism, claustrophobic submarine missions, and strange facial deformities. Burroughs-y,


Cat Dissections

Precipitate8 finds that hospitals and ambulances often conceal darker truths and grotesque experiments.

Los Angeles

Cat Dissections

Precipitate8 takes in every trashy, messy and confusing corner of Los Angeles in a whirlwind immersion. Or vacation, I guess.

Orlando (Part Last)

Cat Dissections

Precipitate8, after a night out on the town, almost makes it to the car, but late night crazies and wiccan vampire watchers have other ideas.

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