Month: June 2004


Music Reviews

Seabound,Poisonous Friend EP,Metropolis Records,Jorge C. Galban


Music Reviews

indie british rock brit-pop 1980s ’80s,Aveo,Battery,Barsuk,Aaron Shaul


Music Reviews

pop-punk,rock,indie,Altaira,Weigh Your Conscience,Attention Deficit Disorder,Daniel Mitchell

Detachment Kit

Music Reviews

emo,angular,post-punk,math,rock,Detachment Kit,Of This Blood,French Kiss,Daniel Mitchell

The Thrills

Music Reviews

The Thrills,So Much for the City,Virgin Records America,Van Sias

Swarm of the Lotus

Music Reviews

metal,sludge,screamo,Swarm of the Lotus,When White Becomes Black,At A Loss Records,Daniel Mitchell

Kammerflimmer Kollektief

Music Reviews

electro,jazz,electro-jazz,germany,techno,german techno,Kammerflimmer Kollektief,Cicadidae,Temporary Residence,Aaron Shaul

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Garage Sale Vinyl

Garage Sale Vinyl

Print Reviews

Christopher Long takes us on a personal journey of rediscovering the magic of music. It’s just the inspiration I needed to continue my own.

Greg Hoy

Greg Hoy


Fascinated by the arcane world of musical gear, Randy Radic spoke with dyed-in-the-wool gearhead Greg Hoy about his setup on new EP Holy Mother of God, how he produces his unique sound, and a gear-gone-wrong moment.