Whew! Miss a day…
Miss a day, and the news keeps a coming.
Ok, first off. A spy for Israel in the DoD. Gee, what a surprise. This trial should be interesting- if it ever occurs.
And it seems that Bush’s ill-suited nominee for the UN post is buddies with them too. Nice. Seems our country exists in part as a client state of Israel. Hmm.
Lynndie England’s Abu Ghraib plea bargain thrown out. Seems a military court won’t allow you to plead guilty if you thought what you were doing was legal when you were doing it.
And finally, in a big “no duh”, internal British memos show that Bush had committed to attacking Iraq long before he previously claimed, and while he was lying to the world that no attack was planned. And that the AG in the UK warned Blair and Straw that the war was illegal. No fears tho, our brave freedom fighters create their own reality, they won’t get charged.