There are good people in the world…
And then there are “people” such as the human piece of waste that drug a chain and a pipe behind his pickup truck and mowed down the crosses bearing the names of servicemen killed in Iraq located at Camp Casey.
“There are good p-X183”
These people “support our troops”- until they become something that doesn’t mesh with their “us or them” mentality, and then they are to be slandered, defamed, or vandalized.
The cowardness of these scared mental midgets is only starting to surface. It will get worse- and with asshats such as O’Reily calling Sheehan’s actions “treasonous”, and folks such as our homegrown fascist Neal Boortz calling her a “media whore” (Mr. Pot, paging Miss Kettle?), they will keep the rabble riled up. It’s their job.
But take a look at the face of Jason Ford (first cross in the picture above):
“There are good p-X184”
This kid didn’t die so that some redneck POS could trample his memory under a pickup truck. And while the numbers of people who would side with the truck driver are small- and diminishing rapidly- they are still too many. And like any trapped animal, they are dangerous.