Ok, play switch the names
Just for fun, switch the names in the following story to say, something Iranian sounding:
At Falwell’s University, McCain Defends Iraq War
05/13/06 “New York Times” – – LYNCHBURG, Va., May 13 – With the Rev. Jerry Falwell at his side, Senator John McCain offered a spirited defense of the Iraq war on Saturday, telling graduating students at Liberty University that victory there was crucial to world security. But Mr. McCain urged opponents of the war to vigorously “state their opposition” in the interest of critical debate on this increasingly unpopular conflict.
“If an American feels the decision was unwise, then they should state their opposition and argue for another course – it is your right and obligation,” Mr. McCain said, adding, “But I ask that you consider the possibility that I, too, am trying to meet my responsibilities, to follow my conscience, to do my duty as best as I can, as God has given me light to see that duty.”</i>
See? If instead of McCain (president wannabe suckup) and Falwell (religious extremeist nutball) if one of the names was say, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then you’d discount whatever the person said, wouldn’t you?
Explain again how we’re different?