Music Reviews


La Fin Du Monde


With songs that virtually pirouette the line between the post-rock fantasia of Stereolab and the ultra-hip mariachi sways of a Tarantino/Rodriguez vehicle, Nova Scotia’s Hylozoists have fed any permutation of indie music snob something warm, tangible and mostly enjoyable on La Fin Du Monde.

Canadian musicians seem to ignore the word modesty when it comes to forming their bands, and with 9 instrumentalists aiding his cause, Hylozoists ringleader Paul Aucoin is no different. With his mini-orchestra in tow, Aucoin indulges his tastes for both the quixotic and exotic on this second record. Whether spontaneously turning a funereal intro into bubbly jazzanova on opener “The Fifty Minute Hour,” setting the stage for a sexy tango on “Warning Against Judging a Christian Brother,” or infusing flower-power into the ’60s pop of “Lover Becomes Lovers,” Hylozoists maintain a level of cohesion and sophistication that other indie-approved Canuck supergroups like Broken Social Scene lack.

With both Tortoise and the ‘Lab as kindred spirits instead, Hylozoists quite possibly the up the ante of Canadian cool. And as the closing nighttime twinkles and vibrating guitars of the title track set the record adrift, it reassures one that if this is indeed the end of this world, at least the death march is leading into the welcoming glow of another.


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