The Blue Van
Dear Independence
While The Blue Van may not have that extra special something that will plunge them into the collective conscious of the general public, this Denmark foursome will continue to win over the hearts of all who happen upon them – whether it’s by grabbing a random download, checking in on their Myspace page, or seeing their stage-stealing live show.
And why is that? Because there are few bands today that can so accurately mimic the carefree and reckless fun of 1960s rock music. Pulling equally from the blues oriented likes of The Yardbirds and Cream, and the more pop friendly free-for-all of The Kinks, The Blue Van are an authentic copy.
“The Time Is Right” and “Don’t Leave Me Blue” should you bring you right back to those days before the summer of love (even if you weren’t born yet). “Goldmind” has got a light hint of The Doors stirred in, so let’s turn down the lights, fire up the candles and incense, grab your intoxicant of choice and sink deep into the sounds of 1967. This band is all about the groove, and we should all allow ourselves to feel it.
P.S. Their name is a reference to the truck that hauls away crazy people in Denmark. Think of it as the equivalent of the short bus here in the states.
The Blue Van: http://www.thebluevan.com/