Truth to Power

Can’t wait to hear Stanhope on this…

Some Florida teens believe drinking bleach prevents HIV/AIDS

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Some Florida teens believe drinking Mountain Dew or smoking marijuana will prevent pregnancy and that swallowing a capful of bleach will prevent HIV/AIDS.

One reason those dangerous myths have spread is the state’s reliance on abstinence-only sex education, say advocates of a bill to require a more comprehensive approach in Florida’s schools.

The measure narrowly won approval from a Sentate committee Tuesday. Under the proposed legislation, schools would still be required to teach abstinence as the only sure way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseasese, but they would have to teach more about sex.

It would require, for example, teaching about condoms and other methods of birth control and disease prevention.</em>

See what morality at the point of a gun gets ya?

It gets you bleach-poisoned morons, thats what.

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Music Reviews

“Help Desk”/”Goldfish” EP (Drag City). Review by Peter Lindblad.