Suit of Lights
Shine on Forever
Visiting Hours
Gentle and bubbly as a carbonated soft drink, Suit of Lights amuses and entertains like a mime at a birthday party. You’ll smile, you’ll pay attention, and you’ll leave thinking “that was fun, but what just happened?”
This is the band’s third release, and it seems like the lineup is a very fluid concept; there are more past members than current ones. No matter, Joe Darone’s vocals are soft and engaging, and he sings about the sort of things indie bands always talk about: love, life, and the meaning of 3/4 time in a post, post-modern world. “All Roads” slips in and out of minor keys, both plodding and soaring as it sings about “ashes.” Later on in “Everyone Is Happy Now,” Darone makes it sound like no one is happy now, and when he suddenly slips into “Paint It Blood,” I think we may be getting a clue as to just what the real problem is. I’ll leave you to work that out, but rest assured, no matter how badly your psyche is abused, you’ll love the singing and playing, even if you’re creeped out by the mime.
Suit of Lights: