Music Reviews
The Bug Club

The Bug Club

“Quality Pints”

Sub Pop

Do you know about The Bug Club? I’m not referring to your local primary school’s extracurricular activities group for kids with a bent for science. I am writing about the Welsh band that is making some of the greatest short, burst-of energy, full of offbeat humor, and riffage music that I have recently encountered. The duo of Sam Willmett and Tilly Harris have been performing together since 2016, but as The Bug Club, who released their first album in 2021 with Dan Matthew joining on subsequent releases in 2022 and 2023, they have found their stride. I became aware of this energetic and charming trio upon 2023’s release Rare Birds: Hour of Song and more specifically the track “Antique Heirlooms.” At 1 minute and 27 seconds, there isn’t a lot of room to tell a narrative, but the lyrics end up doing just that in an efficiency of words that got my attention! Referencing “Working at the gallery” and “Now I am a serious artist,” you have most likely met this person (or, as in my case, been this person).

Tilly Harris, Sam Willmett
courtesy of Sub Pop
Tilly Harris, Sam Willmett

With The Bug Club’s latest release on Sub Pop this May, the effervescent to the point of New Years popped-corks single, “Quality Pints,” the band’s mastery of short songs with a direct message is once again highlighted. A working and touring band’s never-ending quest for a place to get a quality pint of brew in the town they happen to find themselves in. It’s a story for travelers and bands as old as beer. I’m here, my work is done, where’s the best place to grab a beer? If you have not availed yourself the absolute aural pleasure of The Bug Club, I urge you to take 2 minutes and 18 seconds of your time and give them a go. You will be entertained!

The Bug Club will support their upcoming Sub Pop release with a slew of UK and European tour dates, with plans to release new music in 2024.

The Bug Club

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