Music Reviews
As For The Future

As For The Future

As For the Future Music

As For the Future is a New York City based collective founded by guitarist/singer/composer David Nagler. Core members include vocalist Alexia Bomtempo, Mauro Refosco (percussion), and David Lizmi (bass), with a revolving cast of supporting players.

As For The Future
courtesy of Howlin’ Wuelf Media
As For The Future

Nagler’s mission with As For the Future is to build songs that radiate joy built on traditional Brazilian motifs like the samba and boss nova. Nagler’s songs range from the sentimental to the silly. I am enchanted by the Paul Simon via Jonathan Richman sounds of “Childlike.” The song is a wistful remembrance of simple pleasures like “Show and Tell” and kickball. In Nagler’s world, holding onto childlike awe is great thing. On “Letters on the Line” he sings, “I’m putting my training wheels back on. Practice writing on the line. Stop at the stop sign. Learning, Still learning.” Another of David’s songs that makes me smile is “My Therapist.” David sounds like one of Bob Newhart’s clients on the old Bob Newhart show. David sings, “I couldn’t tell you I was sad, so I told my therapist. … and she said maybe you should tell someone other than me. I want to share this one with my therapist.” Not all of Nagler’s songs are wry observations and odes to simplicity. For the most part, the “adult” songs are handed over to Alexia Bomtempo to sing. Songs like “The Mob” have a more serious lyrical bent but still have the light jazzy Brazilian feel to keep them from being overwrought.

As For The Future has ten songs. The CD has an additional nine remix and Dub versions. The added takes give you a chance to really admire the musicianship of David and the gang. For my money, the secret weapon on this album is trombonist Ryan Keberle. Ryan provides all the brass on the album, and his melodic breaks really make the songs (especially on the Dub versions).

As For The Future

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