Alex Woodard
Mile High
Alex Woodard gave up a lucrative career in high finance in order to pursue his musical ambitions, and on the evidence of Mile High he definitely made the right decision. Produced by Pete Droge, this singer/songwriter’s third album takes an organic approach but maintains a rich seam of quality throughout its ten tracks. Vocal comparisons to heavyweights like Petty and Springsteen are not without solid foundation, as the wistful “Wonderful,” the roots-y “Blood, Salt and Silver” and the poignant and atmospheric “Voice On The Wire” demonstrate.
The bouncy “I Know It’s True” reveals Woodard’s uncanny knack for an irresistible pop hook and an interesting turn of phrase, while the laid back, almost soulful groove of “Breathing” adds another twist to an already diverse record. But the highlight of Mile High is undoubtedly the title track. A delicate acoustic arpeggio forms the basis of one of the most beautiful, uplifting pop songs of the year, with a seductive chorus that would easily reel in the hardest of hearts.
Woodard was a hit during appearances at the industry’s prestigious SXSW showcase, and as Mile High powerfully affirms, the business world’s loss is undoubtedly the music world’s gain.
Alex Woodard: