Music Reviews

Faced with the rich sonic twister of music ever churning around us, our writers strap on headphones and hunker down with these tunes and their words to lead everyone to the bottom of what sounds good right now.


Music Reviews

Well Behaved (Resin). Review by David Lee Beowülf


Music Reviews

This Afternoon’s Malady (Big Wheel Recreation). Review by Jason Rockhill

Pungent Stench

Music Reviews

Praise the Names of the Musical Assassins (Nuclear Blast). Review by David Lee Beowülf

Ben Wa

Music Reviews

Devil Dub (Black Hole). Review by Tony Coulson


Music Reviews

Various Artists (Mutant Sound System). Review by drew West


Music Reviews

Liquor Drink (Menlo Park). Review by Charles D.J. Deppner


Music Reviews

Win, Win Or Win (Dial M). Review by David Lee Beowülf

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Print Reviews

Christopher Long takes us on a personal journey of rediscovering the magic of music. It’s just the inspiration I needed to continue my own.