Tag: by Jen Cray

Arctic Monkeys

Event Reviews

A large percentage of America may not know it yet, but the Arctic Monkeys have already conquered their native England and are setting their sights on our shores. Jen Cray was not surprised that the band’s Orlando date was a complete sell out.

Say Anything/ Saves The Day

Event Reviews

It’s another night of horrifically catchy emocentric pop music with Say Anything and Saves The Day. Jen Cray tries to reconcile her mistrust of all things emo with the undeniably catchy hooks of these popular bands.

Jello Biafra

Event Reviews

Listening to some middle-aged man talk about how f*cked up the world is isn’t exactly Jen Cray’s idea of a fun night out … unless the man in question is ex-Dead Kennedys vocalist/lyricist Jello Biafra.


Event Reviews

Taking a break from recording their new album, multi-faceted Thrice played a rare, intimate date at Orlando’s The Club @ Firestone. Jen Cray was there to see which side of the band’s personality showed up to play.


Event Reviews

Orlando’s most fashionable punks lined up around the block for the Hellcat tour headlined by psychobilly veterans, Nekromantix. Amongst the bequiffed masses was Jen Cray.


Event Reviews

NJ’s pre-emo/melodic hardcore cult favorites Lifetime may have pissed off a lot of fans by signing to Pete Wentz’s Decaydance label, but their show with The Draft still almost sold-out Orlando’s The Social. Amongst the crowd was newly christened fan Jen Cray.


Event Reviews

Touring with the original lineup for the first time in 14 years, indie rock’s underrated heroes Sebadoh strolled into a soldout room at Orlando’s The Social. Nothing could derail Jen Cray from not only witnessing this event, but talking with the band that helped create the soundtrack to her teenage years.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Event Reviews

It could’ve been called the Bounce Your Feet Say Yeah tour, for that’s what the packed house did from the very moment Clap Your Hands Say Yeah took to the Club@Firestone’s stage. Jen Cray was in the midst of it all.

The Horrors


The Horrors are a skinny, gothly clad bunch living inside of a late night radio flashback to the alternative side of the 70’s and 80’s- and don’t we all want to slip into that dark little world once again?! Frontman Faris Badwan answered a few questions for newly converted fan Jen Cray.

Tv On The Radio

Event Reviews

Too often the latest indie rock buzz band are nothing but big fat disappointments. After witnessing their live show, Jen Cray can assure you that Tv On The Radio are not just the product of inflated hype.



After a decade of bad feelings, Max Cavalera and his brother Igor reunited onstage and performed some Sepultura classics, thus whetting death metal fans’ already-rabid appetite worldwide for the reunion they said would never happen. Jen Cray spoke with Max in the midst of a tour with his current project, Soulfly to inquire about such possibilities.

The Decemberists

Event Reviews

When epic indie rock that’s heavy with literary allusions, like what The Decemberists create, can sell out a large venue like the Hard Rock Live it gives Jen Cray hope for the state of music.

Electric Six

Event Reviews

It matters not that they seem to play The Social every six months or so, Orlando will always come out, drink up, and have a great time to the sounds of Detroit’s Electric Six. Jen Cray finally showed up to see what all the fuss was about.

Of Montreal

Event Reviews

Of Montreal have taken their glam rock traveling circus show on the road, and after frontman Kevin Barnes Full Monty stunt in Vegas recently the band’s Orlando stop was packed with fans as well as curiousos. Jen Cray was front and centered for this fully clothed event.

Joshua Radin

Event Reviews

You don’t have to be a hippie in flip flops to enjoy a good folk rock performance, as Jen Cray discovered when heading downtown to see songwriter Joshua Radin.

Cold War Kids

Event Reviews

Cold War Kids , riding a tsunami swell of buzz off of their debut album Robbers & Cowards, was a sure-to-sell-out event (and it did) that no self respecting music fan in Orlando- esspecially Jen Cray - would have been absent from.

Snow Patrol

Event Reviews

The Snow Patrol tour was as much about opening acts Ok Go and Silversun Pickups as it was about the Irish headliners. Jen Cray was among those lucky enough to score a ticket to the sold-out event.



Speaking with vocalist Vice Cooler and guitarist Steve Touchstone of the undefinable trio of XBXRX , Jen Cray got them to talk about the brilliance of Kill Rock Stars, recording with Ian Mackaye and Steve Albini and how their live shows have resulted in permanent scarring.

Lucinda Williams

Event Reviews

Lucinda Williams may very well be one of the great American songwriters, but – as Jen Cray discovered – being an amazing artist doesn’t always promise an awe-inspiring live show.



Pennsylvania’s best-kept secret, a little band called Illinois , is about to go out on a large-scale U.S. tour with The Kooks. Their EP is one of Jen Cray’s latest mailbox treasures, so she called up singer/songwriter Chris Archibald for a chat.

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Joe Jackson

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